Utilizing the intellect and source of mercy....

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Birthday Cake~!


Dah lama tak update blog ni. Aku belum mempunyai apa-apa pengisian untuk dikongsi bersama hari ini cuma hanya berasa ingin meluahkan kemahuan aku yang mahu belajar buat KEK COKLAT!
Aku terjumpa gambar yang di-upload oleh seorang kakak postgrad di sini beberapa hari lepas. She baked a chocolate cake for her 4-year-old daughter and I thought it was very sweet! A mother struggled baking a cake specially for her daughter. Sejak dari itu, aku berasa sangat mahu belajar buat kek. One day when I have my own kids, I will bake themselves a birthday cake. And today I saw my friend and her homemade cake for her 4-year-old nephew. A cake with a dinasour! ^___^ and they celebrated his birthday at a lake with dozens of ducks there! What a sweet day for them =)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Nur Kasih~~

Figure 1: Aidil, abang yang bertanggungjawab

Figure 2: Aidil dan Adam


Baru lepas layan drama Nur Kaseh...haihh...sapa tak suka Aidil wehh. Dah la kacak, muka tenang, bertanggungjawab, tahu ape yg patut dan tak patut buat, rasional, beriman...haihh...lebur2. Sesungguhnya Aidil Hassan memang lelaki sejati~~...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Ramadhan 1430H Day 4


It's nearly 2 in the morning. I should be sleeping by now. I just finished preparing my meal for sahur. Just felt like having vege soup so I made some =)

Before signing off, I just would like to share a saying by Imam Shafi'i which I found at the Zaytuna college website.

“Never do I debate a man with a desire to hear him err in his speech, or to expose the flaws in his argument, and thus vanquish him. Whenever I face an opponent in debate I silently supplicate, ‘O Lord, help him so that truth may manifest itself in his heart and on his tongue. If it be that the truth is on my side, may he follow me; and if the truth be on his side, may I follow him.’”

A lesson for me. A lesson for you. A lesson for anyone who happens to read this inshallah.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hari Ke-2 Ramadhan 1430H


Sudah agak lama kiranya aku membiarkan blog ini bersawang. Sibuk? Ya, penggal ke-3 ini memang lebih sibuk jika dibandingkan dengan dua penggal pertama. Namun, itu bukanlah alasan yang kukuh untuk tidak melayan blog ini. Kadang-kadang itu, cuma malaslah yang menjadi penyebab. Malas yang kemudiannya membawa kepada penangguhan. Sudah berapa kali aku menjadi mangsa akibat bersikap malas tapi masih belum serik-serik. Agak selalu juga sebenarnya aku meleteri adik aku disebabkan sikap yang suka bertangguh. Tapi, apa kurangnya aku! Selalu menasihati oranglah konon, mahu orang lain berubah, tapi diri sendiri masih cacat. Cacat yang bisa disembuhkan pada bila-bila masa saja! Aku terkesima apabila aku mendengar sebuah audio yang kujumpai di Youtube. Audio mengenai The Journey of Quran and Knowledge. Kata-kata yang keluar dari seorang Shaykh yang aku sangat kagumi, Hamza Yusuf itu betul-betul membuatkan aku terfikir.

Pagi ini masuk hari kedua Ramadhan. Aku ada menuturkan kata-kata berupa azam kepada kawan aku apabila kami baru saja dikhabarkan yang anak bulan Ramadhan sudah kelihatan. Aku katakan padanya yang aku mahu berubah. Aku mahu meningkatkan ibadat. Ya, bunyinya agak typical tapi itulah yang aku mahu buat.

Aku juga perasan sesuatu mengenai diriku. Sejak kebelakangan ini, lagak aku seolah-olah seperti seorang hakim yakni aku selalu menghakimi sikap dan perbuatan orang. Apa sahaja sikap yang kulihat yang tidak sepertiku, yang tidak mungkin sama sekali aku akan lakukan kuanggap sesuatu yang picisan. Aku mahu buang tanggapan itu sejauh-jauhnya. Mereka juga manusia sepertiku. Who am I to judge a person who was also just like me, literally a drop of fluid that people wipe away from their clothes?

Sempena Ramadhan ini, biar saja kita berlumba menjadi yang terbaik di sisi Allah. Buang jauh-jauh sikap sombong itu wahai diri.

7% Waxing Crescent
Sunday 23/08/09
2.39 AM

Monday, June 29, 2009



It never crossed my mind to start a blog and write my views on issues. The primary reason as to why I end up creating a blog is due to my inner discomfort of the states everyone around me is in. Before going into that particular bits, I think it'd be a good idea to discuss what makes us, human beings, different from any other creatures.

Human beings are honoured to be blessed with brain. Now, in Arabic, the word for brain is called 'aqal which literally means 'to bind your camel'. The cord in which the Arabic men wear on their head is called the 'iqal. They used to put this 'iqal on the camel's front feet in order to hubble the animal. Why'd they do that? In order to keep the camel from going astray, because it'd stay within the area that they can keep an eye on it. This is the function of the intellect! This is what the 'aqal is supposed to do; it is supposed to keep us in line so we won't go astray.

Like most 23-year-olds, I am still a university student. From my observation and experience, I find that most uni students spend MOST of their time on uni work e.g. projects, assignments and tests.

Of course, uni is our responsibility. However, what I would like to pinpoint here is that, it is not the only responsibility that we, human beings, are entrusted with. There is a much bigger job that we have to do. God did not appoint us as vicegerents for mere uni assignments or for some big functions to celebrate our country's so-called Independence Day or to listen to the latest songs on the radio . There is always wisdom in everything He creates. I've heard people say something like "We're studying for the sake of Allah" or anything similar to that when we actually just want to pass the exams and earn some big money once we are employed by some top-notch company. If we are truly doing this for the sake of Allah, till this point of time, what have we done for Islam? Or are we just treating it like an extra curricular activity? Do not hide ourselves behind the BUSY word forever.

Shaykh Habib Umar (if I'm not mistaken) once said that Allah seeks our attention in the current state we are in, be it in the middle of tribulation, happiness, or when we are clogged up with work. Do not keep telling ourselves that we'll do what we're supposed to do later for we do not know if the time will come.

May everyone of us benefit from this writing. Pardon me for any mistakes that I may cause.
